More Speculation
More scuttlebut...I am not sure how much stock to put in any of this speculation but it is interesting to consider the possibilities. This again from over at Confirm Them...
"Okay, I was already rejoicing at the rampant rumors that Alito would be the choice. As I’ve posted repeatedly, he has long been my first choice. I think he is terrific. But as most of you have seen this week, my first choice for the current circumstances is Chris Cox, for reasons amply explained in other posts and on NRO. Now I see a James Pinkerton column on the wire, which tracks what John Fund has said on MSNBC. I hope that if the Alito rumors aren’t right (and it would be great if they ARE right), then the reason they aren’t right is because these other rumors a la Pinkerton are correct isntead. Either way, we win! Here’s the key passage from Pinkerton:But if Bush wants to keep his base happy and get his nominee on the court, he does have one option. The hot rumor in D.C. is that he is eyeing Christopher Cox, a former Republican congressmen with impeccable conservative credentials, who in August became chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.Cox has the brainpower for the job, and he was unanimously confirmed by the Senate just a few months ago. Indeed, he is an obvious choice for Bush, except for one thing: He’s a white male. But the conservative movement has never worried much about diversity. That’s a preoccupation of the liberal movement, and it has never been for Bush, nor will it ever be."
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